Tuesday, February 26, 2013

guar cultivation in haryana

guar cultivation in haryana

Guar is an important leguminous crop of arid and semi-arid regions. It is cultivated in northwestern states of India mainly Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. Rajasthan ranks first in the area of cultivation and production. India alone contributes more than 80% of global guar production. The by-product of gum extraction process is a preferred animal feed as it contains 40% protein.
Guar is also known to be cultivated in Texas, USA, some parts of South Africa, Malawi etc., but not in very large commercial quantities. In India the sowing season for guar is end of July and it is harvested during November (usually 90 days crop).
For effective guar cultivation, the crop needs two rainfalls before sowing, one rainfall when the crop buds out and another rainfall when the crop comes up well and blossoming starts. Then it requires plenty of sunshine and dry weather to come up really well. During harvesting period it again needs good sunshine in order to dry up and become usable for industries.
Guar has been traditionally an annual crop cultivated in those areas, which are dependent upon monsoon rains. However, due to higher prices of guar during the second half of nineties and early twenties, farmers have been encouraged to cultivate second crop of guar in irrigated farms, which is harvested during September. This additional crop has played a major role in checking unwanted hoarding and speculating in guar. Also, it suffices any shortfall in the main crop that is harvested during November.
Guar Gum is derived from the seeds of the guar plant ‘Cyamopsis tetragonalobus’ belongs to the family Leguminosae. Guar Gum Powder is a white to yellowish white powder. It is almost odourless and fine powder. Guar Gum is available in different mesh sizes and viscosity. The guar seed consists of three parts: the seed coat (14-17%), the endosperm (35-42%), and the germ (43-47%). It is from the endosperm that guar gum is derived, which is the primary marketable product of the plant. This spherical-shaped endosperm contains significant amounts of galactomannan gum (19 to 43% of the whole seed), which forms a viscous gel in cold water.

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